Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (IJEECS) is an international journal published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) in collaboration with Intellectual Pustaka Media Utama (IPMU). The journal disseminates high-quality articles that address recent and important developments in the field of electrical engineering and computer science. The scope includes telecommunications and information technology applications, applied computing and computer science, instrumentation, and control engineering, electrical (energy) engineering, and electronics engineering. Here are the top 3 topics that are being discussed in the April 2024 issue of IJEECS:
Computer and informatics
The field of computers and informatics covers a wide range of topics including computer architecture, distributed computing, computer networking, human-computer interaction, and software engineering. Other important topics in this field include virtual/augmented reality, computer security, data engineering, and network traffic modeling. This field plays an important role in understanding and applying current computer technology. Other important areas are high-performance computing, intelligent systems, information retrieval, multimedia security, and natural language processing. In addition, subjects such as IT governance, business processes, and cognitive systems are also covered in this field. Overall, the study of computers and informatics requires an understanding of computer architecture, networking, security, software engineering, and the application of computer technology in various fields.
Signal processing
Signal processing is the science of understanding and manipulating signals to extract useful information. It covers topics such as signal theory, data processing, and filtering, and has a wide range of applications in areas such as image processing and communication signal processing.
Telecommunication includes modulation and signal processing for telecommunications, information theory and coding, antennas and wave propagation, wireless and mobile communications, radio communications, communications electronics, and microwaves, radar imaging, distributed platforms, communications networks and systems, telematics services, and security networks.
IJEECS aims to publish high-quality articles dedicated to all aspects of outstanding recent developments in the field of electrical engineering. The scope includes applications of telecommunication technology and information technology, applied computing and computer science, instrumentation, and control engineering, electrical (energy) engineering, and electronic engineering. To get more information and read articles for FREE please visit the following links:
By: I. Busthomi