PhD Scholarship in ICT-related disciplines

Scholarship Index $22,500, 3 years tax free PhD Scholarship in ICT-related disciplines such as information systems, electrical engineering and computer science.

Scholarship: NICTA PhD Scholarships in ICT-related disciplines such as information systems, electrical engineering and computer scienceBackground:

Students must be studying full-time, be enrolled in a PhD or a Masters leading to PhD and the research project must be in an area that NICTA is active in. Students who are already enrolled or who have applied for a PhD candidature place are eligible to apply. Scholarships are available for both Australian and international students. At some universities, international students who are awarded a full NICTA scholarship may also receive a university-funded fee exemption.

Scholarships are available as full, partial and top-up living stipends for up to four years of study. Full stipends are paid at the same rate as Australian Postgraduate Awards (APA) while top-ups are currently set at $7,000 per annum.

Provided By: NICTA (National ICT Australia Ltd), Australia’s Information and Communications Technology Research Centre of Excellence.Level:Post Graduate (Research)

Payments: Full stipends are paid at the same rate as Australian Postgraduate Awards (APA) (Approximately $22,500 per annum tax free, paid fortnightly) while top-ups are currently set at $7,000 per annum.

Research Information: Scholarship is for a PhD by research ICT-related disciplines such as information systems, electrical engineering and computer science

NICTA Victoria Research Laboratory’s main research activities are in:

  • Bioinformatics & computational genomics
  • Optimisation & constraint programming
  • Control & signal processing for large scale system control
  • Text & database mining
  • Optical networks
  • Micro & nano-electronics
  • Control & signal processing for imaging

Applications Close: Applications for NICTA scholarships can be submitted at any time however universities may have closing dates for candidature applications and there will be closing dates for government and university funded scholarship applications. Applications to commence early in the new year should be submitted by 31st October.




University Scholarship Closing Dates are May 28 and 31 October

FEIS Research Administration Coordinator

Ms. Sophia Haccou

Research Administration Coordinator
Faculty of Engineering & Industrial Sciences
Swinburne University of Technology
Internal Mail H38 PO Box 218, Hawthorn, Vic 3122, AUSTRALIA
Telephone: +61 3 9214 8179
Facsimile: +61 3 9214 8264