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Read MoreThe IAES’s Nawala: What are the current trends in Education research?
Greetings, colleagues Nawala! Hope you are always in good health.
This is the IAES Newsletter of the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. Today we want to share the latest issues regarding the world of education.
Teaching character
Teaching character is important to be done systematically because teaching character to students is as important as teaching knowledge and skills. It also needs appropriate examples in a variety of character teaching, especially related to relationships with students with special needs. Moreover, peer tutoring used in learning cannot stand alone. It must be implemented with various learning techniques such as games, demonstrations, recitation, simulation, socio-drama, role-playing, and project. A more complete discussion can be seen in the following article:
Peer tutoring analysis in inclusive classes using character education approach
Johana Manubey, John Rafafy Batlolona, Marleny Leasa
This study aimed to analyze peer tutoring in inclusive classes with character education approaches for elementary students. The target of this study were 30 teachers, 525 students, and 98 disabled students from nine elementary schools in East Sumba Regency. This research focused on changing the character of students with special needs or not using peer tutoring methods that are modified with various learning techniques. The results showed a change in the character of students with special needs and not with the peer tutoring method. Thus, peer tutoring can be recommended in improving learning skills and forming student character. Future studies are expected to show how peer tutoring shapes students’ emotional intelligence in inclusive classes.
The role of parents in education
The primary role of parents is needed. It is also even better when other family members support children’s learning activities from home. Building continuous communication between parents and teachers, parents and children, teachers and students, and students and their groups will significantly help children’s intrinsic motivation to grow and be maintained. A more complete explanation is contained in the following article:
Parents’ perceptions of distance learning during COVID-19 in rural Indonesia
Delipiter Lase, Trisa Genia Chrisantiana Zega, Dorkas Orienti Daeli, Sonny Eli Zaluchu
This study was developed to investigate parents’ perceptions and attitudes towards distance learning in response to many schools’ closures due to the COVID-19. This research employed a qualitative approach. The research subjects consisted of parents of elementary school students in the City of Gunungsitoli, Indonesia determined by purposive sampling technique, totaling twenty-four people. The data were collected using semi-structured interview techniques and analyzed using thematic analysis techniques. This study shows that distance learning or learning from home in a research context takes the form of online and offline learning. The learning approach implemented during the COVID-19 emergency must be lived and supported without other options for parents. Although parents do not have negative perceptions, distance learning has increased the economic, psychological, and social burden on parents or families. The lack of parental involvement and support in children’s learning process at home is generally due to the lack of time and parents’ inability to become teachers for their children. Actions to accompany and support children’s learning process at home are carried out to provide internet packages, help children master the material, and participate in completing assignments or tests given by the teacher. The surprising finding from this study is the decline in children’s learning motivation and cognitive abilities. Parents hope that distance learning is not extended.
Transformative learning
Transformative learning practices in higher education can be optimized by involving stakeholders. Learning reorientation with stakeholder involvement in higher education, especially for increasing student network capital, is projected to increase productivity and expand post-education job opportunities. More details in the following article:
Putting transformative learning in higher education based on linking capital
Syaharuddin Syaharuddin, Mutiani Mutiani, Muhammad Rezky Noor Handy, Ersis Warmansyah Abbas, Jumriani Jumriani
This study aimed to analyze learning at the level of higher education. The practice of higher education, of course, also requires a transformation of learning. It is intended to achieve the competencies needed in the 21st century.The study used a qualitative approach. Observations were made on online learning practices at Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin, Indonesia from March to May 2021. In-depth interviews employed with 17 students who live in Banjarmasin. Miles and Huberman’s data analysis technique reduces interview data. The study results described that learning at the higher education level has differences in the achievement of the graduate profile. There are two main patterns, namely, institution-centered learning and student-centered learning. The student’s need for network strengthening requires the systemic transformation of learning. One learning transformation that can be carried out is strengthening learning practices outside the classroom with partners (stakeholders). The primary purpose of partner involvement is a condition designed so that students can increase network capital. This linking capital is expected to be an opportunity for students to increase student succession when they graduate from higher education.
Entrepreneurship education
In running entrepreneurship, capital is needed, one of which is social capital. Social capital creates many benefits for society. The communities with a large stock of social capital benefit from, among others, lower crime rates, improved health, higher education, and faster economic growth. A full explanation can be seen in the following article:
The relevance of social capital in efforts to develop entrepreneurship education
Herry Porda Nugroho Putro, Rusmaniah Rusmaniah, Mutiani Mutiani, Jumriani Jumriani, Bambang Subiyakto
Universities in Indonesia create millions of graduates, but the labor market does not absorb most graduates, so they become unemployed. One of the ways to overcome unemployment is through entrepreneurship education to encourage them to become entrepreneurs to create their jobs. The success of entrepreneurship is determined by utilizing capital, one of which is social capital. This study aimed to find out how the relevance of social capital in developing entrepreneurship education. This was qualitative study, and data was gathered through in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis went through the stages of reduction, presentation, and conclusion drawing and was finally verified. The results of the research explained that the elements of social capital, including networks, norms, and trust was built through entrepreneurship education.
The four points above are the current issues in the world of education. Information on educational developments can be accessed for FREE at http://edulearn.intellektual.org/.
by: Milzam Adang Rusdianto
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