[IJERE] Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sagini (Jared) Keengwe

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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sagini (Jared) Keengwe Mail
University of North Dakota, United States

Sagini Keengwe, Ph.D.

Department of Teaching and Learning
University of North Dakota
Associate Professor
Education Building, Rm 284
231 Centennial Dr. Stop 7189
Grand Forks, North Dakota 58202

Dr. Keengwe is currently an Associate Professor of Education in the department of Teaching and Learning at UND. He previously taught at Muskingum University (Ohio) and Indiana State University where he also received his PhD in Curriculum and Instruction (Educational Technology). He facilitates “Technology for Teachers”, “Social Studies in Elementary Schools”, and “Multicultural Education” teacher education courses. He has also facilitated “Diversity in Higher Education” and “Scholarly Writing” graduate courses.

Dr. Keengwe’s research areas include instructional technology integration and constructivist pedagogical approaches to teaching and learning. His research has resulted in more than 100 publications in refereed journals and conference proceedings. He is the co-editor of Adult Learning in the Digital Age: Perspectives on Online Technologies and Outcomes and Virtual Mentoring for Teachers: Online Professional Development Practices. His third edited book: Pedagogical Application and Social Effects of Mobile Technology Integration is scheduled to be published in 2013.

Dr. Keengwe’s scholarly work has been published in multiple journals including Education and Information Technologies Journal – EAIT; Merlot’s Journal of Online Learning and Teaching – JOLT; the Journal of Science Education and Technology – JOST; Early Childhood Education Journal – ECEJ; the Journal of Communication and Computer – JCC; International Journal of Information Communication and Technology Education – IJICTE; the Journal of Information Technology Education – JITE; and the Journal of Information Technology Management – JITM.

Dr. Keengwe has served as a research mentor for more than 30 students. He serves on the editorial review board of various national/international refereed journals. He is an editor of the International Journal of Applied Science and Technology (IJAST), and an associate editor of three research journals: International Journal of Communications and Information Technology Education (IJICTE); Research Journal in Organizational Psychology and Educational Studies (RJOPES); and the British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioral Science (BJESBS).

Dr. Keengwe was the recipient of the North Dakota Spirit Faculty Achievement Award (2010), 13th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Award (2010) for Service to UND, and the UND McDermott Faculty Award (2011) for Excellence in Academic Advising. At the national level, Dr. Keengwe was one of the 10 recipients selected to receive the 2010 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Division K Travel Award. This award is meant to honor the good work of early career scholars of color.