[IJERE] Assoc. Prof. Lena Lindenskov, Ph.D.

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Assoc. Prof. Lena Lindenskov, Ph.D. Mail
Aarhus Universitet at the Copenhagen Campus, Denmark
Department of Educational Research (DPU)
Aarhus Universitet at the Copenhagen Campus
Research areas
Education, teaching and philosophy > Learning, didactics and education > Didactics


  • Ph.D. in Research in Mathematics Education, 1993, University of Roskilde, Denmark.
  • Master in Mathematics and Social Science, 1980, University of Roskilde, Denmark.


1980 – 1988 + 1991 – 1998: Teacher in upper secondary school for adolescents and adults in mathematics and social science.

1988 – 1991: Ph.D. Study financied by The Danish Council for Independent Research, Humanities.

1992- 1998: Consultancy work for Danish Ministry of Education and Ministry of Labour

1998: Associate Professor in Mathematics Education at Royal Danish School for Educational Studies, which in 2000 emerged into Danish University of Education, DPU

2007 – 2011: Professor wsr in Mathematics and Science Education at Danish University of Education DPU, which emerged into DPU, Danish School of Education, Aarhus University.

2011: (February) Associate Professor in Mathematics Education at Faculty of Arts, Arhus University

2011: (October) Leader for Science and Mathematics Education Group


2000-2003: Project Leader of DPU’s Development of National Curriculum and teacher education for Preparatory Adult Education in Mathematics, financed by Danish Ministry of Education.

2000-2003: Participated in the Grundtvig project ALMAB Adults Learning Mathematics Across Borders. Partners are from Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands and Norway.

2004-2007: Coordinator of the MiA-project. The Mathematics in Action is a Grundtvig 1 project in the Socrates program of the European Commission. Partners are from Denmark, Hungary, the Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia and Spain.http://www.statvoks.no/mia/ (Coordinator)

2005-2007: Partner in the European Network for Motivational Mathematics for Adults (EMMA). Partners from 16 countries. http://www.statvoks.no/emma (Participant)

2007-2008 and 2009-2011: Partner in the Nordic Network CORMEA: COnnecting Research and Mathematics Education for Adults. Financed by the Nordic Council. http://www.cormea.org/ (Participant)

2009-2011: Early Intervention in Mathematics, Frederiksberg. Developmental and Research Project. Financed by Frederiksberg Municipality, Metropol University College, DPU and the Egmont Fundation. (Head)

2009-2010: A status for special mathematics education in a Danish municipality, financed by Danish Ministry of Education. (One-person-project)

2009-2010: Dyscalculia? A small explorative study, financed by Danish Ministry of Education. http://www.dyskalkuli.dk/(Participant)

2009-2012: A Danish Model for Early Intervention in Mathematics. Financed by Egmont Foundation. (Head)

2010-2014: Writing to learn – Learning to Write. Financed by FKK. (Participant)


Other research activities

2000: Chair and member of Ph.D. Committees

2002: Peer Reviewer for a number of journals.

1999: Mathematics expert in the Danish national PISA-team for PISA 2000, PISA 2003, PISA 2006, PISA 2009 and PISA 2012.