IJ-AI is Now Q2 in SJR

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IJ-AI is Now Q2 in SJR

IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI) is now an SJR Q2 journal! IJ-AI is indexed by Scopus/Scimago JR, with an SJR of 0.341 (2020), Q2 under “Electrical and Electronic Engineering” and “Information Systems and Management” categories. What a nice achievement after 9 years of intensive and thorough work. Congratulations to the team smartly led by Prof. Dr. Eugene Yu-Dong Zhang of University of Leicester, United Kingdom. IJ-AI will publish high quality original/research articles only, and some review papers by invitation. We intend to maintain, improve the high standards of excellence, visibility and further develop of the journal. The goal is to maintain journal indexation in the Scopus and to get indexation in the Web of Science, with the continuous increasing the quality of the journal articles and visibility of the journal. The following main steps are going to be undertaken for the journal quality and visibility improvement in accordance with the principles set out and recommendations from the international scientific editing and publishing associations, and the transparency & best practice (ICMJE, COPE, WAME, CSE, CONSORT, EASE, DOAJ, OASPA, etc.).
  1. To maintain and improve quality, ethical soundness and editorial strategy to ensure higher impact and citation rates of the articles published in the IJ-AI.
  2. To internationalize further and broaden the indexation and archiving of IJ-AI in additional relevant global databases to promote the papers post-publication.
  3. To register with the ORCID for the potential authors, reviewers, and editorial board members of IJ-AI to increase visibility of their academic activities by and displaying information about own writing, reviewing, and publishing activities on their permanent accounts.
  4. To strengthen the editorial team of IJ-AI by broadening the editorial board membership and appointing additional section editors responsible for publication ethics (research integrity), English language, etc., as well as skilled individuals involved in the processing of manuscripts for more effective functioning of the overall process for management of manuscripts till final decision for publishing and management of the journal.
  5. To support continuing professional development by creating journal sections for postgraduate students, ongoing researchers, and specialists, as well as by acknowledging contributors for publishing and reviewing activities.
  6. To adhere to the most updated recommendations of global editorial associations toward improving the peer-review process and quality of publications, as well as post-publication communication and to incorporate relevant points in the journal instructions.
  7. To upgrade and enrich the open journal system of IJ-AI with transparent information about editorial management, peer review, open access, and acceptable editing practices.
  8. To increase the impact of IJ-AI by improving the functionality of the journal website and online contents and assessing the use of journal and published papers through various traditional and alternative impact indicators.
  9. To upgrade the instructions to authors to provide comprehensive information about the journal, including guidelines which regularly improve the ethical standards, quality, and implications of published articles.
  10. To involve in education of scientific community in research and publication ethics and integrity for creating ethical environment and tradition to prevent scientific and publishing dishonesty, fraud, and plagiarism.
This journal is fully open access and becomes a reference on the topic. We would be more than happy to receive any suggestions for improving our journal.

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