Hybrid Car

Hybrid Car

Hybrid cars are becoming a trend and are in great demand today. The manufacturers are incessantly producing these models. A variety of attractive models and designs, making cars with this model have their market share. The need for engine work efficiency and reduction of vehicle emissions is a strong point in attracting consumers.

Everyone knows that petroleum as a non-renewable resource will soon run out. In a matter of decades, oil producers in various countries will run out of oil resources. This is understandable because petroleum has been empowered for a long time to help all sectors of human life. Crude oil is a basic need in everyday life, especially for transportation matters.

We need to be wiser in using and empowering petroleum. In the automotive world, the role of gasoline and similar fuels need to find a replacement solution. Excessive use of fuel, of course, will accelerate the depletion of world oil reserves. On the other hand, this cannot be avoided as the number of vehicles and human mobility increases.

The presence of hybrid cars in the automotive world provides a new wind for the renewal of car propulsion. Hybrid cars are also an intermediate way for the transition from conventional cars to electric cars. As we know, the facilities to support the use of electric cars are inadequate. Consumer confidence in electric cars that have not been maximized can also be overcome with the emergence of this model.

Hybrid technology is not an invention. Ferdinand Porsche created a fully hybrid engined car called the ‘Mixte’ in 1902. This first hybrid car had two engines with electric power designed to store energy in batteries. In 1997, the first commercial hybrid car was produced by one of the well-known car brands and was launched for the first time in Japan that year. Hybrid technology is not a recent technological development and has been around for a long time. This technology has also been tested and used in locomotives, submarines, mining trucks, and others. What is now easy to find is the application of hybrid technology to car vehicles.

Hybrid cars vs Conventional cars

A hybrid car is a car that has two propulsion engines, namely a conventional gasoline engine that uses an internal combustion engine (ITC) and an electric motor. Each driving motor works in a certain situation, for example, while the car moves slowly, it will use an electric motor as its propulsion. However, if the battery used to drive the electric motor runs out, the hybrid car system will automatically change using a conventional gasoline engine.

Collaboration between conventional gasoline engines and electric motors certainly makes fuel use efficient. The drive of an electric motor also affects lower emission levels. This car is suitable to be called an environmentally friendly car because the pollution it emits is much lower than ordinary conventional cars. Hybrid cars are now the best alternative vehicle compared to other conventional vehicles because they can save gasoline longer. Many hybrid cars now have twice the efficiency of gasoline than conventional cars then they can provide more cost savings for their users. Not only that, but lately it’s easy to find expert professionals to care for and repair hybrid cars.

Besides being known to reduce pollution, hybrid cars are also known to have lower maintenance costs because maintenance costs are less than conventional cars. Even though it has a more expensive battery price, the life span of the battery has a warranty that can last a lifetime. Hybrid cars also have a sound that is almost completely audible and very comfortable to drive. Even when stuck in traffic, the engine will automatically turn off and the car will run using the stored battery energy.

For now, several car manufacturers have released their products with hybrid models including Nissan Motor and Toyota. The price of a hybrid car is slightly more expensive than similar conventional cars. Even so, good quality will be worth the cost.

By: Roni Okta Kristanto


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