We are proud to inform since 2011 there are 57 countries listed as an author on the IAES Journals (Update December 2012), which dominated authors from China.
Every day papers in database of IAES journal’s seen by thousand researcher, report viewed papers by country. This is an excellent platform for researchers to be seen by others and cited by them as well. Furthermore, some prestigious indexing services has been indexed our archives in their database. Since the year 2012, IAES’s Journals has been member of CrossRef. Therefore, all articles published by IAES Journal will have unique DOI number.
General data of since 2011, as follows:
- 1994 paper submissions
- 1042 papers published
- Web visitors from 151 countries
- 247 Editors from 49 countries
We believe the IAES Journal will make further progress in this year, your help in disseminating the Journal toward to your colleagues and students are also encouraged.
Please do not hesitate to contact us at info [at] iaesjournal.com / editor [at] iaesjournal.com if you have any questions about the journal.
Editorial Office
Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science