Ways to Add a Human Touch to Content and Overcome AI Plagiarism

How to Humanize Content and Get Past AI Plagiarism

ChatGPT, Bard, and Bing can output AI-generated content faster than Usain Bolt can run 100 meters. However, this speed has its problems, and the quality of the content approaches the realm of plagiarism and unreliability. Another reason is that ChatGPT does not cite sources according to academic standards. It may hallucinate or pull information out of thin air, which is not helpful for those who want to avoid plagiarism.

So, to get past the AI plagiarism checker, here’s how to humanize your text. Before we do that, let’s delve into how the AI plagiarism checker works, so keep reading to discover the tools you need to avoid AI plagiarism and why you need them.

Breaking Down How AI Plagiarism Checker Works

AI Plagiarism Checker is a tool that helps you determine if the content you are about to submit is unique or AI-generated. When chatbots like Bard and Bing generate user content, they often lift information verbatim from other websites and online resources. This makes them easy to detect because they follow a predetermined and predictable model. Here is an example sentence: “is shining brightly. In the above example, the most likely continuation is “morning.” A less creative robot would think so. But a human, living in the northern hemisphere or exploring edgy creativity, might say: “the sun shines brightly at night”. And this is the core operating principle behind AI detectors and plagiarism checkers. First, AI plagiarism checkers attempt to predict the perplexity and burstiness of content.

Perplexity measures the average user’s ability to understand the output. Content with high perplexity is usually human; AI content sounds flat and repetitive, even with advanced prompts and plug-ins. Similarly, burstiness refers to variations in sentence length and rhythm; sentences in AI-generated content usually have a predictable rhythm and length. In human writing, burstiness is sometimes redundant, as I am doing now with this sentence, to make what I want to say clearer and easier to understand. Sometimes I have to keep it short. However, AI content generators usually produce sentences at a constant tempo. Otherwise, they would make up for the rest of the sentence with fluff. With these variables (perplexity and burstiness) and other technical considerations, AI plagiarism detection tools can spot articles written by bots or non-human virtual assistants. But there is a problem.

Using an online AI plagiarism checker is not a reliable test of a work’s originality. Some of these tools are unreliable, and we don’t even know their creators or the algorithms behind them. On top of that, AI checkers can give false positives, potentially damaging the reputation of innocent victims. Even universities worry about these false plagiarism flags. But instead of spending your time defending plagiarism cases that never happened, here are some ways to avoid AI plagiarism detection.

How to Avoid AI Plagiarism

Instead of avoiding AI altogether and missing out on its countless perks, use the following hacks to get around AI’s limitations:

  1. Remove word repetitions. After creating content with AI, edit the results to remove repetition. First of all, you don’t want to make your essay sound like a high school student who ran out of ideas halfway through the essay and just wanted to reach the specified word count. Apart from that, poor AI content is detrimental to SEO objectives. Such repetitive text will make your text spammy and will incur the wrath of Google’s anti-AI hammer. So, to avoid having your AI-generated text flagged by online AI plagiarism checkers, go over it line by line and limit redundant sentences.
  2. Hone your research skills. To eliminate AI plagiarism, you must first hone your research skills. Before writing, you need to do extensive research on your topic. Why go to the trouble: to know whether the AI’s output is reliable or a waste of time, you need to have a good understanding of the topic. If you know about the topic before you let the AI generate content, you can spot errors. It can also identify parts of the text that read as if they were quoted from a source that needs to be cited.
  3. ChatGPT is an assistant. ChatGPT does not know everything, but it has better access to information than most humans. You can use the AI text generator to get tips and set the trajectory of your research. If you plan to write an entire paper with ChatGPT, someone else is more likely to do the same. Therefore, you risk the AI detection tool flagging your work as a plagiarized copy.
  4. Use a paraphraser. Once you have received your copy from the AI and have verified its authenticity, use a paraphraser to change the tone of your writing. You may need to cite ideas from secondary sources, but paraphrasing will make your words more original and unique. Use an AI plagiarism checker to identify which blocks of text should be paraphrased and humanized; tools like Quillbot can help you adjust your word choice and tone.
  5. Using AI humanizers (undetectable AI). Similar to paraphrasing tools, AI humanizers can beat any AI content detector by making robotic-sounding text sound more human. As its name suggests, Undetectable AI is one of the best tools for humanizing ChatGPT content without having to manually and repeatedly edit or paraphrase it. This ultimate stealth tool informs you whether your content sounds human or robotic. Its robust algorithm offers multiple humanization options for all reading levels.
  6. Cite Source. Whether you use AI or not, it is non-negotiable to cite all information except that which comes directly from you; if you pass off information from the AI text generator as your own, it is blatant plagiarism. As a matter of proper academic practice, it is recommended that you always give credit to the author. Even when referring to your own work, you must cite the source to avoid self-plagiarism. You can use our citation tool to search for authors and create a list of references.
  7. Double check all facts. Large-scale language models retrieve information from all over the Internet, often using complex probability methods to select words that are most likely to come after other words in most contexts. This allows it to generate persuasive sentences with no substance. No one will tolerate you sending out false information just because an AI wrote it for you. So, whenever you use AI to get information, double check all the facts.
  8. Add examples and personal stories. Break up your text with anecdotes and examples related to your topic to enhance the information in your content. For example, as part of a paper on climate change, you could discuss how the local government has tackled desert erosion by increasing tree planting. Such examples make AI-generated content more human, while at the same time providing an opportunity to incorporate your personal views.
  9. Adjusting Tone. Even GPT 4.0 cannot replicate human ingenuity. As such, it is an easy target for AI detectors. So if you want to dodge the scrutiny of detectors like Originality.ai, adjust the tone of your AI-generated text. In addition to avoiding AI detection, adjusting the tone of your copy will make it more personal and engaging for your target audience (whether it is a teacher grading an essay or a customer reading copy).
  10. Proofreading and Rewriting. Once you have your AI-generated text, proofread and rewrite it. Doing so will eliminate grammatical errors and improve the quality of your work. Use AI detection tools to highlight which parts of the text are robotic. Then rewrite to match the target audience’s level of expertise and preferred tone of voice.

Undetectable AI can remove AI plagiarism

Undetectable AI is an AI detection remover that rewrites auto-entered material to avoid detection. This text humanizer uses advanced algorithms and paraphrasing capabilities to generate sentences that closely resemble those written by humans. The originality of this AI text humanizer is unmatched, allowing content creators to quickly reproduce up to 15,000 characters of text for free. Undetectable AI’s humanization engine can also be used to improve a site’s SEO by optimizing content for search engines. How much does it cost? First-time users can use the AI plagiarism removal tool for free until their credit expires. After that, you will need to purchase more credits to continue using the tool. Monthly plans start at $9.99 for 1000 words per month. Or you can save money with a discounted annual plan ($5.00/month). Companies with large AI text humanization needs can acquire Undetectable AI through negotiation.

Why do I need to overcome plagiarism in AI?

Plagiarism is a major crime because it can be considered stealing intellectual property. This crime can ruin your reputation and even land you in jail. Several politicians, influencers, and artists have lost their livelihoods and reputations because they were accused of plagiarism. To avoid AI content detection tools flagging your material, you can reword it manually or with the help of paraphrasing tools. Always maintain correct syntax, grammar, and sentence structure when humanizing content online.

The Last Word.

People have become accustomed to using AI to generate content. Unfortunately, current AI pulls information from existing sources, which can be misused and can lead to the theft of other people’s ideas. It also does not include other accompanying issues such as readability, tone, and reliability of information.

To avoid being flagged for plagiarism, use the tips in this article to humanize AI content for free when creating content. The recommended tools and techniques are not all-inclusive, but they provide an ideal base for using AI and artificially generated content.

Source : https://www.marktechpost.com/2023/09/13/how-to-humanize-content-and-get-past-ai-plagiarism/

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