[IJ-ICT] Edward Nanno, Ph.D.






Edward Nanno, Ph.D.

Executive Director, Wireless Grid Lab http://wigit.ischool.syr.edu/
Center for Convergence and Emerging Network Technologies http://dcc.syr.edu/
School of Information Studies http://my.ischool.syr.edu/Profiles/Preview/elnanno
205 Hinds Hall


Edward Nanno is a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in the School of Information Studies, Syracuse University. He currently serves as the Executive Director of the Wireless Grids Laboratory located at 205 Hinds Hall. WiGiT is a virtual organization, has no fees and relies on its partners to accomplish the goal of setting open standards and specifications for wireless grids.

Nanno is interested in the utilization of wireless grids to bridge the current infrastructure gap in emerging economies and for the mobilization and coordination of social movements. He is currently working on defining the research landscape associated with the ‘open internet’ (with McKnight). Additionally, Nanno works closely with the Syracuse City School District and the New York Department of Education to help facilitate STEM learning using a new class of software, ‘edgeware’, which utilizes a feature of cognitive grids to connect heterogeneous devices.

Nanno received a PhD from the University of St. Andrews, Scotland (1997), an STM from Yale University (1993), an MSLIS from Syracuse University (2011), and a B.A. from Nyack College (1989).


Research Interests

In my present role as Executive Director of the WiGiT Lab, CCENT (Center for Convergence and Emerging Network Technologies) at Syracuse University’s iSchool, I lead a team of system administrators, project managers, faculty support specialists and other technical support staff that develop, maintain and support enterprise-wide learning systems and applications. We also support School of Information Studies PhD/DPS students and their work.

As a member of the Enterprise Cloud Leadership Council, our National Science Foundation funded lab contributes directly to the development of system enhancements and integration, as well as other open source development efforts within the TMForum such as ‘Workplace as a Service,’ translating functional specifications into technical plans. Depending upon the scope of a project, we actively contribute to open service architecture, API, data and application design, and documentation.

Representing the lab, I am often asked to give presentations on campus and at national conferences to promote and disseminate information about eLearning software development efforts. We provide logistical support for STEM conferences in New York State, including judging at the Genius Olympiad, University of Oswego.

Edward Nanno was born and raised in Syracuse, New York and has a passion for the Central New York area.