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The International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Management ICETM-January’2013 is being organized by WAIRCO (World Academic – Industry Research Collaboration Organization).

The conference will provide a platform to the Researchers, Engineers, Academicians and Industry Executives to share their ideas and views on the advancement of Engineering, Technology and Management Research areas. The ICETM-January’2013 is organizing the International Conference in the below tracks. It is important for academic staffs and researchers to keep improving the technology to be up-to-date and suitable for the required applications. The research findings must therefore be distributed among the researchers and to the respective communities.


International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering       more>>
International Conference on Advances in Electronics Engineering       more>>
International Conference on Advances in Computing & Information Technology       more>>
International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering       more>>
International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering       more>>
International Conference on Advances in Management Studies      more>>
International Conference on Advances in Social Sciences      more>>


After refereeing process, all accepted papers will be published in IAES (Institute of Advance Engineering & Science: