The Fifth International Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies (ICADIWT Edition V) is a forum for scientists, engineers, and practitioners to present their latest research results, ideas, developments and applications in the areas of Computer Communications, Communication networks, Communication Software Communication Technologies and Applications, and other related themes.
This conference (ICADIWT Edition V) will include presentations of contributed papers and state-of-the-art lectures by invited keynote speakers.
This conference welcomes papers address on, but not limited to, the following research topics:
Internet Communication
Internet Technologies
Web Applications
Internet Software
Data Access and Transmission
Signal Communication
Wireless Communication
Digital and Analog Systems
Communication Software
Communication Networks
Web Communication Interfaces
Web image processing
Speech processing
Computer networks
Internet Information retrieval and applications
Internet engineering
Data Commnication
Digital Communication
Databases and applications
Distributed Computing
Data mining
Computer and network security
Intelligent Agent systems
The selected papers after extension and modification will be published in Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) journal that will be included in some prestigious indexing services.